
Turkey Day

Since the moment I got engaged my doctor has stated the following phrase numerous times: "people get fat once they're married". She doesn't use try to beat around the bush with words like "might", "may", "sometimes" or anything that gives hope of being an exception to the stats. She doesn't even employ any euphemisms like "plump up a little", "get more relaxed body images", "get cute like the Pillsbury Dough Boy" or "love each other no matter what". No, not my doctor...and this is why I like her. Her lack of sensitivity makes me crack up as I'm stepping on the scale and she's jealously eye-balling my muffin tops.

Anyway, I figured out why my doctor's statement is true. The holidays. Shawn and I enjoyed three Thanksgiving meals this year: the Swanson Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day with Shawn's family and one with mine. Let me tell you, they were all fabulous! In CT, we took a walk which should have burned off maybe one yam worth of calories.


Grandma said...

yum...sounds good...sorry we missed you...the on-off sickies were w/ me!

Anonymous said...

The best part of the weekend was being together. OK-the food was second best! Happy Holidays to everyone from Kelly's mom.