
Bryce 1

Required nerdy super fan picture with Bryce Canyon National Park sign.
First look into the canyon.
Shawn walking along the rim.
The canyon is full of wild rock spires known as hoodoos.The start of the "world's best 3 mile hike". That's exactly what the park newspaper said about the Queens/Navajo combination loop.

Pretending I'm a hoodoo. Duh.
Kissing hoodoos. Smooch!
I think this one is known as ET.
Going down.
Shawn headed to a small man-made arch in the stone.
Looking up.In the heart of the hoodoos.

You really should watch your footing here. (subtitled: extreme overacting in fake scenario by Kelly)Entering the Wall Street section.

Shawn didn't want to take this picture...something about being uncomfortable. I just don't understand.Switchbacks to take you back up canyon. This is when Shawn and I became very happy that we read and followed the newspaper's recommendation to follow the trail in a clockwise direction. This portion was nice and shady while climbing while the other side is completely exposed to the sun.
Back on top of the canyon at Sunset Point!


Anonymous said...

Again - such GREAT photos - thanks for the virtual trip! Mom & Dad (:

Grandma said...

the photos are breath-taking and gorgeous, but I'd be looking for the mall by now.

Bahston Beans said...

Um yeah, we went to every Walmart we passed. They had the real super center Walmarts which make ours look like small convenience stores!