
8:34 on Saturday Night

8:34 pm on the Saturday before Easter. Where were you?

Really? Well, we were at the National Center for Behavioral Genomics. Wowie zowie. Aren't you jealous?
To take revenge on Shawn for bringing me to the lab, I decided to document our trip.
Hmmm interesting.

Let's hold that up to the light. Intriguing.

I'm pretty sure this is a torture device.

Best for last...


Anonymous said...

What fun! Not just anyone gets to visit that fantabulous Center on Easter Eve!! (ps-nice new sweatshirt, Shawn!) Mom

Grandma said...

hey shawn...are you making smoothies?

Bahston Beans said...

Shawn says "yes, radioactive smoothies".

momj said...

So that is where Shawn works! Kelly, you are one up on me. The last time I went with Shawn when he had to stop off at the lab - he left me IN the car under a No Parking sign! I was sure security was going to haul me away!!! Thanks for the pictures.

Katy Shamitz said...

yawn on your behalf.

Bahston Beans said...

Janet - Isn't just as exciting as you imagined. I'm glad I could save you the boredom of an actual visit!