
Car Show

Shawn and I took a little trip to the New England Auto Show. We saw some great cars and some disappointments.

Is it odd that I have the same amount of headroom in the XTerra and the Mini?

Shawn and I are well aware that we are amateurs when it comes to car shopping and auto shows, but it was particularly clear when we ran into Rob and Katy. Well, more accurately, when Rob ran past us while shouting a quick hi. Katy talked to us for about 30 seconds before she and Tyler were whisked away onto the showroom floor. It was an emergency after all - they only had 2 1/2 hours to achieve their pre-planned route!

Here are some of our potential purchases:

In the end, we selected this Lamborghini. Please note the sold sticker under the wiper.


Amy said...

Ok, wanna know what's messed up? I usually see at least one Lamborghini (or how ever it's spelled) a day in Dallas. The cars here are freaking insane!
I love that Jeep!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your current car, "Dora the Explora" will be quite sad when you say good-bye to her and buy a new car. After all, she's turned into a living being at this point! But great news - someone I know, namely your father, said he wants it back! As you know, he saves everything!!

Bahston Beans said...

Shawn is going to get the Jeep when we get a gorgeous beach house. Don't worry, there will be a guest house that you can stay in.

Dora is not going anywhere. She and I have been prepping for her yearly checkup. She's going to ace it!

Grandma said...

bet your Dad still wants his Datsun A200 back!!