
Autumn in New England

Right about now is the time of year that the temperature begins to drop, your car is covered with a morning frost and your mind begins to remember just how cold it gets in winter. Just remember one of the best things about living in New England...autumn. It is a legend and for good reason. Here are some reminders that it's all worth it!


Katy Shamitz said...

is that your backyard?

Bahston Beans said...

Yes. We like to tend the land outside the condo. It took Shawn all summer to roll up enough grass clippings to make that bale!

Grandma said...

very pretty photos...is that last one a trick and really a museum piece because it looks like a Monet?

Katy Shamitz said...

he does good work!

Bahston Beans said...

That's a real picture! Check out the ripple in the bottom right. Shawn tossed something in the water and I snapped the pic. But keep on comparing it to Monet! That rules!