
Home Improvement Stage 2

Stage # 2 = Anger

"Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"

Do you notice a small difference between these two pictures? In the first one, there's an eye level phone jack in the gosh darn center of the wall. Clearly this phone jack was the one to blame!

So clearly the only choice was to put a patch over the jack. Clearly. We took our frustration out on it by erasing its existence. Bwah ha ha.

Really, who needs one anyway? Just don't mention it to future potential buyers. :)


Karen said...

When we peeled the wallpaper off the kitchen walls we found a perfectly round hole in the sheetrock about 6" in diameter. We finally figured out it was a hole from a speaker that had been taken out and they wallpapered right over the hole. So it was nic that you actually patched your hole!

Bahston Beans said...

I need to remember to attach that quote to our listing!

Anonymous said...

You know there was no way Dad was going to let you paint that wall without patching the hole in the wall! Mom (: