
Dream Time

I've had some serious allergies kicking up lately. In some ways, I've actually been benefiting from them. Usually, I flip and flop all night long. But not during the past week. I have been out cold. This has also allowed my brain plenty of time to dream.

What did my brain choose to dream about?
That's right. Hugh Jackman. Did he decide to come sweep me off my feet or maybe ask me to accompany him on the red carpet? Nope. Not even close. He remodeled our bathroom. He didn't even take off his shirt to do it. Bummer. But Shawn and I were both very happy with his carpentry. Next time I'll check and see if he works in your neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Send Hugh to my house - ASAP! He can remodel anything he likes!!! Mom ( :

jjphotoFTW said...

oh my... lol!

Grandma said...

a trip to an awards show..1 night...a remodel is forever(almost)