
Avon Mountain

When we were in Connecticut, Shawn and I decided to take the walk up Talcott Mountain. It was a perfect sunny day to enjoy the view of the valley.

Until we began the decent…and this beast literally crossed our path. That’s right a gigundo snake. Shawn was walking in the lead and looking backwards to talk to me. As he unwittingly marched toward the snake, I barely sputtered out “sssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnaaaaaaake!”. I have never seen a snake this big. Not even at a Nature Center field trip. While I was doing an eeewy eeewy yuck yuck dance, Shawn took a picture of the grossness. We don’t think it was poisonous but it was too big for that to matter. Honestly, I think it was 4 or 5 feet long. I don't even think I'm exaggerating. That is a huge tree trunk it is near...it still gives me the heebie jeebies!


Anonymous said...

I enlarged the photo of the snake-it is huge-it is ugly-and I sure would do the eewy eewy yucky yucky dance, too! Mom (ps-no more walks on that mountain for me!)

Anonymous said...

oh my god - i gaged a little when i saw the blown up pic! i am so gald u survived. i would have fainted right there!!!! - Katelyn

Katy Shamitz said...

that snake is SO not ok. i would never go back.

Grandma said...

creeeepy..I would have been up that tree somehow!