
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Here's one for you. Shawn set the auto timer on the camera so we could take a picture together. Well, the timer went off early and this is what I happened to be doing. While I can think of 1000 applicable words, I think 9 will do just fine: zero ability to wait patiently like a normal adult.
I think it might be part Zoolander but it's definitely an homage to Robert DeNiro a la "Meet the Fockers".
Here's the finished product.


Amy said...

Whoa, you said "an homage."

I find that impressive.

Anonymous said...

No surprise to me! I'd like to see the footage from a hidden camera as you try to sit quietly in Church or back in high school/college when you were supposed to be quietly studying! Mom

Grandma said...

funny Kelly!!! aand I use that DeNiro motion on Jennie all the time!!