

Do you remember this? It's been stuck in my head for the last 20 years. I was singing this over and over for Shawn and Chris on the way to New Jersey. I'm pretty sure they thought I made it up but here's some proof.


Katy Shamitz said...

uh, yeah- my mom used to sing it!

Amy said...

Um. Yes. I definitely remember.
That was my mother's theme song for about 5 years!

Anonymous said...

don't think that ever played in the Boston area. If it did, I don't remember it.

Bahston Beans said...

Maybe it is just a CT thing. No one from Mass seems to recognize it. But non-family from CT knew it!

I can arrange a personal performance for you on Sunday. :)

Grandma said...

2nd verse..a burger king a burger king, a taco bell and a burger king...fast food fast food filling up our bodies for a little while , containers and wrappers filling garbage dumps mile after mile! and there's more after that!! this goes way back...your mom knows it...we taught it to the K kids!