
Labor Day Weekend 1

We took the quick trail up at the Pamet area in Truro. The walk is extremely easy and the view is extremely beautiful!
Here's our future beach house. You'll all be invited over.

Looking south toward Ballston Beach.

Then we headed to Cahoon Hallow Beach to enjoy the view. The beach was nice and quiet because the Labor Day crowds had yet to arrive.

Alright, alright. We weren't there for the view alone. We were there for the Beachcomber! Mom and Dad made this place a legend in my head (all the yoots having too much fun) and it doesn't disappoint!


Katy Shamitz said...

You're back! Yay! But dude, Labor Day was a long time ago- where have you been?!

Grandma said...

I was just ready to say enough of Franconia Notch #3 already!!! Great pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Wish I was back at the Cape right now! Nice photos-as usual! love, mom xo