
Last Weekend in Maine

Last weekend, we visited Amy, Jared and James in Maine. They have a gorgeous and gigantic house. We're secretly planning to move into their retro basement as soon as our order of bell bottoms arrive! James was quite the host and made sure to show us each and everyone of his cars. (No, that's not a dinosaur in the back. That's their greyhound, Gracie.) Then we learned that James has a good future in modelling. Sure, we all know he has the hair but did you know he has the pout?! Meet the next Zoolander...
In the afternoon, we took a trip to the playground. James displayed his impressive athletic skills. If the modelling track doesn't work out, James can always go the Olympian route.

I forgot to mention that their house is a one minute walk from a beautiful lake. This was a big day for James. He received his first water gun. Now he can really make friends with the neighborhood kids by squirting them in the eyes and what not.

Amy, Jared and James - Thanks for letting us visit! We had tons of fun!



I haven't downloaded this weekend's pictures from the camera...or dropped of the disposable from reunion weekend. :( So in the meantime here's a pretty daisy picture!


Avon Mountain

When we were in Connecticut, Shawn and I decided to take the walk up Talcott Mountain. It was a perfect sunny day to enjoy the view of the valley.

Until we began the decent…and this beast literally crossed our path. That’s right a gigundo snake. Shawn was walking in the lead and looking backwards to talk to me. As he unwittingly marched toward the snake, I barely sputtered out “sssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnaaaaaaake!”. I have never seen a snake this big. Not even at a Nature Center field trip. While I was doing an eeewy eeewy yuck yuck dance, Shawn took a picture of the grossness. We don’t think it was poisonous but it was too big for that to matter. Honestly, I think it was 4 or 5 feet long. I don't even think I'm exaggerating. That is a huge tree trunk it is near...it still gives me the heebie jeebies!


During our final field trip, there was a gorgeous sunset over the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. I couldn't make up my mind and decide which picture I liked the best. They're all basically the same but today apparently isn't a decision day. So I put all three up.


Boston Field Trips

Here are some overdue pictures from my class Field Trips 101. Basically, we walk around with the professor and his father. For the trips, the professor dons a snappy Indiana Jones style hat. Nothing jazzes up the class for a little adventure like the sight of that chapeau!

This probably won't shock anyone but auditing a class is awesome. While everyone else has exams and papers, I don't! The funny thing is, I actually think I pay more attention when it doesn't matter. I wouldn't say I'm absorbing on the level of my brother. I'm no Bounty quicker picker upper. But I moved up from those brown industrial/school paper towels to at least a Sparkle!



Guess what it cost to fill up this morning? $72!!!! The empty light wasn't even on! This is absurd.

Gas Pump


Karen and Joe's Wedding

As Katy mentioned, I'm a bit behind in posts. Sooooooooooooorry. Here are some pictures from Karen and Joe's gorgeous wedding in Marblehead.

The view from our hotel room.
Flowers on the reception deck.
Binoculars to check out your yacht from the club.
Shawn all dudded up.
Sunset view from Marblehead Neck.

The gorgeous bride and handsome groom.

After the wedding, we took a drive to Rockport.